Saturday, October 06, 2012

Melbourne...part one

Long time no see everyone.  We just returned from our last big Aussie adventure: Victoria. Ok, well parts of it. We got to see that not all of Aus is as sunshine and butterflies as it is in Queensland (a balmy 32 degrees today).  Yes, we had to put on layers.  But, as I think you'll see in the next few posts, it was also worth it.  We had a fantastic two weeks away with my parents in some of the most spectacular oceanscapes we've ever seen, as well as checking out Melbourne.  It is truely an 'iconic' city as the Aussies would say.  Yes, it does go on my top ten cities list and I highly recommend a visit.

Oli joins the street performer
Check out the pics.
Pick your mode of transport!
Biking amidst cool architecture and bridges
The Pier at St. Kilda (There's a Fairy Penguin hiding in the rocks)
At the Melbourne Jail Evan and Adam were involved in the trial of Ned Kelly
xo Jules

Locked up - not for good.

Evan in Ned Kelly's homemade armour
Oli Does Ned

Melbourne's markets


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