Sunday, January 22, 2012

Brisbane Life

So far our posts have been about our adventures, but today as I was out for a run, I was thinking about everyday Brisbane life. Here are some of the differences I've noticed between here and Canada:
  1. There is life everywhere. So many kinds of birds, trees and critters. We really want to get a bird book because they're constantly singing and visiting the many trees in our yard and the neighbours' yards. And yes, the kookaburas are often around and their laugh is very loud. When we go for a run, critters are constantly scurrying into the bushes: usually little, or big lizards, geckos or birds. It's pretty awesome.
  2. People walk around with no shoes...often. It's not uncommon to be in a shop and see someone with no shoes. In fact, the other day when I was handing out resumes, I saw a teacher, who was probably getting his classroom ready, walking around the school with no shoes. It's really weird for us Canadians!
  3. Drivers are really polite. Really. They let you in and move over for you. Brisbanites complain about the driving, but we think it's pretty mild, even compared to Calgary, even during rush hour. Ryan Strom, from Ontario, thinks it's a dream compared to Toronto.
  4. People really do say "G'day Mate", all the time. It's not just a stereotype. (Also, "how you going?")
  5. This morning, on the way to school, we followed the stream of uniformed kids. That really shows a big difference.
Here's a couple of pics of the kids in their uniforms, just before we joined the crowd this morning.


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