Thursday, December 14, 2006

Santa's Biggest Fan

We did the mall thing the other day - Evan is so excited about Santa that I can't help but go.

Evan loved "Santa's playland" and was totally attached to "Norman the Adorable Snowman" - he followed Norman everywhere. Luckily, Norman seemed to like Evan too. Evan told Norman that he wanted to go with him to the North Pole to help feed Santa's reindeer. Hmmm... I don't think I'm ready for him to go on such a big adventure quite yet.
Evan had no qualms about sitting on Santa's knee, in fact I think he was disappointed that he didn't get more time with the jolly fellow so that he could complete a thorough interrogation, Evan-style. (See the post on questions if you haven't yet experienced and Evan interrogation!)
Oliver loved seeing the kids at the playland. He is really delighted when he sees other kids playing these days.
All in all, not a bad trip though I'm glad it's only once a year. The best part was Santa's Storytime, during which Santa, Mrs. Claus and some of their friends (like Norman, the Sugarplum Fairy and the head Elf) told "the Night Before Christmas".
As for Evan's excitement, I think that this Christmas will be the best one in a long time. There's nothing like a totally excited almost-three-year-old to make Christmas morning an event to remember. We'll definitely have the camera out this year. In the meantime, his play involves loading up toys on his sled (a cardboard box) and distributing them to the children (usually Oliver and I, even Ali the cat gets a gift sometimes). Who is his helper you ask? Joel, of course. Thanks, Joel!
By the way - Evan doesn't think Christmas is only about Santa. When he was looking at his grandmother's Nativity scene the other day, he learned about all of the figures: Mary with her arms out to hold the baby, Baby Jesus, and Joseph with his hands together in prayer.
He looked at them briefly and then asked, "Why doesn't Joseph want to hold his baby too?"
Good question.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Oh man I miss that kid! HILARIOUS!

Thanks for the update and the good story. Please say hi to Evan for me.